Safe Mail
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Q: So what does it do?

A: Safe Mail is a free service that will convert any email address into an image. All you do is enter the address, hit Go and an image will be created containing your email address. The filename is encoded and pretty damn impossible to decode back to your email address. A spambot for example won't be able to read your email address, since it's no longer actual text in the page's sourcecode, it's an image.

Q: Does Safe Mail create an email address for me?

A: No. Safe Mail is a free service that will convert any email address into an image. If the email address you enter doesn't exist, Safe Mail will not create it. If you wish to create your own email address and email inbox then I suggest any of these: Gmail, Live Hotmail, Yahoo! Mail.

Q: Do I have to specify the exact background color?

A: No. The PNG image that is created has a transparent background. But not all browsers (like Internet Explorer) support transparent PNG. Also, for the browsers who do support it, Safe Mail uses anti-aliasing for the font so it looks nicer, this requires you to specify some sort of background color. If it somewhat matches the color of the surface you are going to use it on, it will work just fine.

Q: Do you store my email address anywhere? Do you share my email address with anyone?

A: No. Safe Mail will create an email image and that's it. No other actions are taken. Your email address is not stored in a database or anything like that. Safe Mail is a service that prevents spam. For more (detailed) information on how we handle information, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

Q: The form goes weird on me, what can I do about that?

A: The form uses Javascript for special functions, such as custom color and the color preview. Make sure you have Javascript enabled.

Q: The example doesn't resize when I select a different font height. Why is that?

A: That's perfectly normal. I choose not to let the example resize because it wouldn't always fit in the spot where it is right now. If the font height would be any bigger the lay-out of the form would stretch up.

Q: For how long are the email images stored on the site?

A: I try to keep them on for all eternity. You could of course host the email image yourself, that way you always have it when you need it. But you don't have to.

Q: For how long are the email images stored on the site?

A: I try to keep them on for all eternity. You could of course host the email image yourself, that way you always have it when you need it. But you don't have to.

Q: My image doesn't work anymore!

A: Eventhough I try to keep your image avalible for all eternity, when a specific image doesn't get accessed for a significant amount of time (more than 6 months) it will automatically be deleted. You can easily recreate it if you need it again.

Q: Why did you create this script?

A: Because I wanted to make it possible for people that do not have the resources themselves to safeguard their email address in a way that is more secure that simply masking it with fake characters.

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You can contact me at email image.

Safe Mail is an eFlare creation. Version - Created 71,171 email images so far. Safe Mail is listed on Home - About - FAQ - Privacy - Contact