Safe Mail |
Safe Mail Privacy Policy
Safe Mail is an online tool specifically designed to prevent spam. It is an online tool that converts the text of your email address to an image to prevent harmful applications, such as spam bots, from reading the email off web pages. I. Email address We have no reason or desire to collect any personal information from you. This includes your email address. Safe Mail will only convert your email address to an image file. Other than that, your email address is never stored in a database of any kind. The filenames of all email images are encrypted with the MD5 algorithm. This encryption algorithm does not have a decryption method and is considered one of the safest one-way encryption methods on the web. Our server stores the email images in a protected folder. Email images can only be reached by entering the exact filename, which is unique to every email image. The MD5 algorithm makes sure that guessing for filenames is a futile attempt. There is no one with unlimited access to the email image folder. Not even our administrators have full reading access. This way we can guarantee you that the email images are not abused in any possible way. We respect that some users would like to have the email image removed from our server non the less. You can at any time submit a request to have an email image removed from our server by sending an email to II. Non personal information When visitors come to our site, we automatically collect some non-personally identifiable information such as the type of computer operating system (e.g., Windows XP or MacOS) and browser (e.g., Internet Explorer, Firefox) being used, and the domain name of the Internet service provider (e.g., America Online, Earthlink). This information is used for statistical purposes only. We like to keep track of what kind of people use our service, where they come from and what kind of browser they use. We use that information to optimize our service to meet the needs of our visitors. III. Advertisements We use the Google AdSense system for advertisement on Safe Mail. We do not fully control the advertisements that are displayed on our website but, we can assure you that they can not get hold of your email address or any other information. The general Google Privacy Policy applies to Google AdSense. IV. Contact If you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding our privacy policy and/or practices, please send an email to |
Safe Mail is an eFlare creation. Version - Created 71,171 email images so far. ![]() |
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